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The Best and Easiest Baby Book Option in 2021


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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When my oldest daughter was about 3 months old, I stumbled across an app that has been SO wonderful for our family!

In the middle of the night while nursing, I was googling baby book options. I wanted to preserve all of the beautiful moments that were being preserved on my phone. As convenient as our phones are, they are no way to store photos that we want to pass down to our children!

I needed them printed and in my hands. There was just one problem.

I am NOT crafty.

The idea of printing out a ton of 4×6’s and cutting and pasting into a book sounded pretty much like torture to me! Not only would it not be fun, but it would most certainly not be cute either.

That’s when I happened upon The Short Years baby book.​


It is SO simple and SO easy. In fact, I finished the first 6 months of Rosy’s book while nursing in the middle of the night!

The app just asks questions during each month of your baby’s life. Simple things like “Your favorite thing this month is…” Things that are so easy to answer in the moment, but I would struggle to remember if I tried to recall a few years later.

The questions really help to preserve the exact emotions and development going on with your baby at the exact moment.

Whenever I got Rosy’s book finished and all of the pages mailed to me, I was blown away with how beautiful it was.

I looked at it for days and pull it out to reminisce even now and she is two and a half!

The Short Years App is really the BEST way to complete a baby book!​

It totally fits into the CRAZY schedule that is life with a newborn. If you only have 5 minutes a week to answer a few questions and upload a few pictures, that’s all it takes.

With Lucy, Clay and I would answer questions whenever we were together on date night once a month. It was a fun way to think back on the past month, it took all of about 10 minutes and we were done!

I didn’t order Rosy’s book until her first birthday, and that made it a fun surprise and way to remember and celebrate her first year!

Whenever I finished 3 sections of Lucy’s book, I would go ahead and have it shipped. It was SO much fun to build her book as she was growing! Getting a package in the mail from The Short Years every couple of months was such a treat.



A few questions you might have about The Short Years App​

Does it take a lot of time?​

NO! It takes seriously no time. You can do it anytime you have a spare second and have your phone in your hand. For me, I filled out a lot of my girls books while I was breastfeeding!

Is it cheesy?​

Absolutely not. The finished product is so beautiful. It has a beautiful font, the pictures are printed on thick card stock paper and it’s uncluttered.

It is seriously one of the most beautiful photo books I have ever seen!

Is it difficult to order?​

Nope. They make it SO easy to order through the app. All you have to do it fill out the questions in the app, after you’ve finished 3 sections or more, you’ll be prompted to go ahead and order.

All of the shipping is included in the original price, so you don’t have to worry about having a credit card handy to place the order. Just click order now, confirm the pages are what you want, and then wait a few days for them to arrive in your mailbox!

They seem a little bit expensive, is it really worth it?​

Trust me when I say YES! A hundred times yes!! I think about what my girls will actually want from their childhood whenever they are grown and I know these books are one of those. They hold ALL of their precious baby photos and memories in one place.

I can’t imagine NOT having these books, and after having them in my hands, the price seems SO low and 100% worth it.

How the process works…​

You answer questions and upload pictures in the app at your convenience.

After you’ve completed 3 sections, you click ship to me and they mail you your pages!

When you receive the package, you take out the new pages and place them into your book.

Easy peasy!

Every time I get new pages, it gives me a great excuse to just sit and look through what is already finished in the book. It is already a treasure and I know that will be the same way in 10 or 15 years when my baby really isn’t a baby anymore!




The post The Best and Easiest Baby Book Option in 2021 first appeared on The Cypress Table.

The post The Best and Easiest Baby Book Option in 2021 appeared first on The Cypress Table.
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