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Introduction to Modular Programming with Flask


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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Modular programming is a software design technique that emphasizes separating the functionality of a program into independent, interchangeable modules. In this tutorial, let’s understand what modular programming is and how to implement it using Python Flask.

What is Modular Programming?​

Modular programming is the concept of breaking down a large application into smaller, more manageable pieces or modules. In the context of Flask, this means organizing related routes, models, and functionalities into separate modules or blueprints. Each module focuses on a specific part of the application’s functionality.

This approach offers several benefits:

  • Simplicity: Each module is simpler and more focused than the entire application.
  • Reusability: Modules can be reused in different parts of the application or even in different projects.
  • Maintainability: It’s easier to update or fix issues in smaller, isolated modules.

Flask and Modular Programming​

Flask is a micro web framework, but it’s designed in a way that supports modular programming naturally. One of the primary tools Flask provides for this is the concept of Blueprints. Now let’s look at what blueprints are.

Blueprints in Flask​

A Blueprint is a way to organize a group of related views and other code. Instead of having all the application code in one file, we can develop separate blueprints that we can register in the main application. This means that the blueprints can be developed independently and then they can be combined into one central application.

Now let’s look at the syntax of creating a blueprint.

Creating a Blueprint​

First, you need to import Blueprint from Flask.

from flask import Blueprint

Create an instance of the Blueprint class. This will be our module.

mod = Blueprint('mod', __name__)

Here, ‘mod’ is the name of the Blueprint and __name__ helps Flask locate the Blueprint’s resources.

Now, you can define routes and views using this Blueprint, just like you would with a Flask app.

def hello():
    return "Hello from the module!"

Registering a Blueprint with the Main Application​

Once you’ve defined a Blueprint and its associated routes, you need to register it with your main Flask application.

from flask import Flask
from your_blueprint_file import mod

app = Flask(__name__)

In this way, you can create multiple blueprints and register them in the main application.

Organizing a Larger Flask Application with Blueprints​

Imagine you’re building a blog platform. You might have different modules (Blueprints) for:

  • Users (Registration, Authentication)
  • Posts (Creating, Editing, Deleting posts)
  • Comments (Adding, Moderating comments)

Each of these can be a separate Blueprint, making your application organized and modular.


1. User Blueprint (user.py):​

from flask import Blueprint

user = Blueprint('user', __name__)

def register():
    return "Register a new user!"

2. Post Blueprint (post.py):​

from flask import Blueprint, jsonify

post = Blueprint('post', __name__)

def new_post():
    return "Create a new post!"

3. Main Application:​

from flask import Flask
from user import user
from post import post

app = Flask(__name__)
app.register_blueprint(user, url_prefix='/user')
app.register_blueprint(post, url_prefix='/post')


Here, url_prefix allows you to prefix all routes defined in the Blueprint. So, the register route for users will be /user/register.

Final Thoughts​

Modular programming with Flask, especially using Blueprints, allows developers to create scalable and organized web applications. This approach ensures that as your application grows, its complexity doesn’t become overwhelming. By breaking down your application into smaller, focused modules, you can maintain a clear structure and make development more efficient and enjoyable.

I hope this post was helpful. Happy coding!
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