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Simple Road Trip Snacks for Toddlers


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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Traveling with babies is not for the faint of heart! Between hunger, potty breaks, diaper changes, boredom and just general toddler-ness it can be quite an experience. There is one thing that makes road trips (or 30 minute trips) SO much easier… snacks!

Toddlers little bodies are constantly growing and with that constant growing comes (almost) constant hunger! Nothing changes when they’re strapped into their carseat for hours at a time, so something I’m always armed with when we leave the house is plenty of snacks.

In fact, when I think I’ve packed enough snacks, I pack a couple more things just in case. Those extras ALWAYS come in handy, even if it just ends up as a snack for dad!

Our favorite snacks for our toddlers​

One thing I’m always conscious of is the budget, and something that can absolutely blow the budget is individually wrapped low nutrition snacks. So, I try to stay away from things that are marketed as convenient kid snack items at the grocery store.

I absolutely have fed my kids some of those before (and will again!) I just try not to make a habit of it. Luckily, the price tag on most of the items keeps me far away!

Of course, you always want to monitor your child while they are eating. Choking is always a risk when a child is eating, and staying adamant about watching your child while they’re enjoying a snack is so important.

Super simple and budget friendly snacks for road trips​

Graham Crackers​

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Graham crackers are the king of cheap and simple snacks. An entire box of these super cheap snacks has 27 large crackers. These are crunchy and sweet and take a while to eat. They’re also about a dollar a box, so you really can’t beat the price!


My girls LOVE any type of homemade muffins. They’re also a great thing to have on a road trip because they can really provide some substance when their little tummies just need something before a meal.

Apple Slices​

I love giving my kids apple slices because not only are they healthy, but they’re also take a while to eat! Snacks during long car rides are two fold. One to curb hunger, the other to keep a toddler busy. Apple slices do exactly that.


Dry cereal is a great choice for a road trip snack! Whatever your kid likes the best. We like chocolate Chex in our house and they keep a cranky toddler busy for a good little while.

Rice Cakes​

These come in a ton of flavors and really take a long time for little mouths to eat! That’s why they’re such a great road trip snack!

Freeze Dried Fruit​

When fresh fruit is just a little too messy, freeze dried fruit does the job! These are fun treats for my girls when we’re on the road.

These are our favorite options, what do you like for your kiddos on a long ride?​

The post Simple Road Trip Snacks for Toddlers first appeared on The Cypress Table.

The post Simple Road Trip Snacks for Toddlers appeared first on The Cypress Table.
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