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Breakfast: The Hidden Destroyer


Staff member
Jan 19, 2024
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Breakfast: The Hidden Destroyer

Of your grocery budget, that is. Reflecting on how we got ourselves to an 82% savings rate, we realized that our grocery budget played a starring role in the reductions. And one of the largest culprits on our shopping list: breakfast. We were buying three different types of breakfasts to enjoy throughout the week. THREE! Insanity, I tell you! I wrote about how we frugalized our entire grocery budget, but I wanted to focus on breakfast because a) I love it, and b) we were extravagantly overspending on the first meal of the day.

We were munching on:

  1. Yogurt with granola: $8 for yogurt, $2.45 for box of granola
  2. Granola bars (a packaged food! now mostly shunned in our home): $2.49 per box
  3. Cereal with milk (another package!): $3.99 for 1/2 gal. milk, $3.50 for box of cereal

TOTAL: approx $20.43.

Continue reading Breakfast: The Hidden Destroyer at Frugalwoods.
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